Monday, 31 March 2008
Don't burst his ....

Sunday, 30 March 2008
I'm Walking on Sunshine

The reason I am walking on sunshine? I got my first payslip this week.
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Photo Overload
Then they had to try and persuade me that I was actually enjoying myself despite the strong gusts of wind bending the trees that we were in while I was 30-50ft up the bloody things.

Matt was a little more cautious but did throw himself into it, just a little bit slower than Kyle.
Pete just did his ministry of silly walks impression
So I had to join in, see how relaxed I look by this point.
There are 5 stages each one getting harder and higher than the last, this is stage 4, yes it went higher than this.
Coming down is much more fun than going up.
We managed the whole course and 3 of us managed the large tarzan swing where you had to jump from a platform 50ft up in a sort of bungee fashion before you swing across to a cargo net that you catch and climb back up, scary stuff. I know because I was the first one to throw myself off, it wasn't me that chickened out but I won't tell you that it was Matt that was too scared as that would embarrass him. The whole course took us 3 hours and we are now planning to do another Go Ape at Pooles Cavern in Derbyshire very soon, just not on a windy day.
After all the excitement we went home, had a very quick shower and then darted out to Chester to go for a meal to celebrate Kyle's birthday. By the time we got home we were all exhausted but we still found the energy to light these
and eat some of it. This picture will be my SPS for today as I didn't take the ones of us at Go Ape - obviously.
Friday, 28 March 2008
Need I say More?
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Blanketless, Dressless and now cupless ...

This was the bra that we saw attached to a fence when we took the dogs for a walk a couple of weeks ago.
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Today I am ......

Monday, 24 March 2008
Monkey Business

The printers getting a right work out today. I made this using a Magnolia stamp which I coloured to look like the Liverpool away kit. The football papers are from the Nitwit Collection "Kickin' It" as is the round stamp thingy it had a football in which I digitally removed and changed into a 12.
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Matt did this...
Pete did this ...
After this happened about a dozen times ....
So the sledges went away and the boys just played in the snow. Just look at the rosy cheeks.
It was then time for the boys to be called back to the car
But there was still time for one last snowball
Well done if you lasted this far into the post. I had to make up for the lack of photos this week somehow so these are my SPS and SOS rolled into one!
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Still photoless
Friday, 21 March 2008
I don't do dresses.
Kyle: What does an axe murderer kill people with?
Us: Well we just couldn't speak for laughing.
As the title suggests I don't do dresses so there is no picture from me again today. I didn't even do a dress on my wedding day so I can't use that photo either and I really can't be bothered to find something else.
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Is the world ending today?
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Alternative Tag!
1. At what age did you turn 12 years old? Possibly at about 3 years old and then again at about 36
2. If you were an animal...what kind of Human would you like to be? An environmentalist (that's if animals know what they are)
3. What kind of underwear do you suppose Elvis wore? Expandable Orange Chilli Pepper Boxers
4. Have you ever named the voices in your head? I keep asking them their names but they have never obliged so I just say Oi You and one of them tends to answer.
5. Have you ever taken all the free pennies in the little dish next to the cash register just to see what kind of look the cashier will give you? I am that cashier and I can tell you the look would not be good, well not from me anyway.
6. What color best describes your laugh? Purple but on the pinker side rather than the bluer side of the spectrum
7. Do you wake up in the middle of the night screaming out the name "Scott" for no apparent reason? No but I have woken myself up screaming for no reason.
8. Do you like the number 8? Not really I am more a number 2 type of girl as I don't really like the letter e.
9. What song best describes your last bowel movement? A Passing Feeling by Elliot Smith
10. Have you ever tried to untie your belly button? Errrr No my insides would spill out
Cheating Pegs

Tuesday, 18 March 2008
The post with no title.

Monday, 17 March 2008
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Bright & Beautiful

Saturday, 15 March 2008
Short & Sweet

Friday, 14 March 2008
From seeds to giants.

5 of them were put in miniature pots and plastic bags and placed in here to live with this little guy for a while - don't think Spiky is too impressed with the invasion on his space.
After a couple of days one started to peep out.

Thursday, 13 March 2008
I can't wait...

A few people have mentioned the font that I am using, it is called Scriptina and I think she is rather lovely.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Scaredy dog

So with naff lighting and no time to set up anything better this is my offering for today. I'm not in work until 4pm today but I finish at 8pm so it's not too bad. I have a load of numbers, for the fruit and veg without bar codes, I have to learn before they let me on the tills so I am making myself some flash cards to help me - what fun I'll be having today!
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
New Girl's First Day
Monday, 10 March 2008
Tickets Up?

Sunday, 9 March 2008
Are you ready for this?

After a bit of a search and no luck we carried on to the Whitegate Way to continue the walk.

Where we actually found the next cache - Hurray!

Matt also found some golf balls along the way as we were near to a golf course.