Friday, 29 February 2008
It will have to do!
Thursday, 28 February 2008

Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Did it move for you?
As I have a distinct lack of towers in my garden I had to resort to the archieves for today's HS:MS prompt and now it has gone and got me all excited about our hoilday again. I can't wait to get back over to Canada in the summer and I am SO excited about New York.

Tuesday, 26 February 2008
The bogeyman?
Monday, 25 February 2008
I'm a working boss..

Sunday, 24 February 2008
Show Off Sunday
Saturday, 23 February 2008
And finally the last picture for today is a picture of Kyle on top of a wooden sculpture which is part of the sculpture trail in the Forest of Dean. Perfect for this weeks word over at Photohunters.
Friday, 22 February 2008
Busy Little Bee
Thursday, 21 February 2008
I spend my life ....

After a quick visit to my local craft shop to ask some questions I was sorted AND I didn't spend a penny there. So here it is my first ever attempt at stamping.
Insert Drumroll here!!

Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Back to haunt me.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Shhhhhhh Don't tell Pete

Did anyone else see the comedy drama on BBC3 last night called "Being Human" about 3 house mates who are a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost? We all loved it. BBC3 are doing a batch of one off, one hour dramas over the coming weeks. I'm just hoping that they decide to make last nights into a new series as there is a serious lack of good TV at the moment. Just done some research and the 6, one hour long dramas are all pilots, this one was written by the writers of Torchwood and Dr Who so that explains why we loved it!
Right I'm off now to play with a fairy ........
Monday, 18 February 2008
It's a beautiful day.

This is a hole in our tall side gates looking out at my friends house.
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Had to share this
Kyle: Where did you get this from?
Me : From one of my friends on the internet
Kyle: Which one?
Me: SuzyB
Kyle: Does she blog
Me: Yes
Kyle: Oh so she is one of your imaginary friends?
Me: No Kyle she is real person, how else could she have sent us something.
Kyle: Well have you met her?
Me: No
Kyle: She must be really ugly then.
At this point I gave up the will to live and just kept quiet.

Useless as I am I forgot to collect these awards that SuzyB my imaginary friend awarded me with a while back.
And another one that Mima awarded me with who was an imaginary blogland friend for a short while but now she is a very real friend. **Thanks Mima**
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Stamping it up
Do you think spellchecker has gone on holiday? I hope she is back soon.
Friday, 15 February 2008
What's normal?
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Far to busy...
Happy Valentines Day to you all. I haven't even had a card this year :( I shouldn't really complain as I did say that he wasn't to bother as it was a huge waste of money and we should put the cash in the Canada fund instead. Serves me right.
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Our Charity of choice

A very worthwhile cause. I have a real issue with time today, hence the naff photo so I'm off.
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
This one I can do

Monday, 11 February 2008
It's going to be a tough week
Not only do I have the boys at home all week, a house that is a complete mess (more of that in a minute) and a ANOTHER bloody cold I also have to be virtuous all week something I haven't been since, well never.

So here you have it me in my passion killer pj's, stinking of vic's and surrounded by ironing no impure thoughts going on here at the moment I can tell you! That is unless you count me thinking about strangling Pete as an impure thought.
Over the weekend Pete decided that having a front door and Living Room disaster wasn't enough for me to deal with so proceeded to completely demolish under the stairs so that nothing remained but an empty space. Pete being male didn't think to shut the doors to all the rooms before he started yanking at the wood and plaster so now my whole house is under a cm of plaster dust.
The door is now fitted and looking a lot better Richard still has to seal it and then plaster the new wall he had to build to replace the ones that fell down!
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Green Eyed Monster

So today's word is envy now I know I didn't take this picture and I am sorry that it is so small but this is my envy. I would love to a. have a body like hers and b. be able to do what she does with her body.
This is one of the performers at the circus of horrors and she did got into some amazing positions in fact everyone there did totally amazing things with their bodies from opening beer bottles with eyelids to nailing tongues to tables. It wasn't as gory as I expected and I didn't have to close my eyes once. It was however, a very grown up show and at one point I could have crawled under my seat when Pete said Boobies rather loudly. The little guy in the corner of the picture is the one that uses the Henry on his bits and bobs which I can report are nearly to his knees. Which is not surprising really when he drags a hoover round a stage with it most nights!
Seeing as Suzy asked nicely here is a link to Captain Dan, his hoover and an amusing story.
I wish blogger would hurry up and fix the spell checker.
Friday, 8 February 2008
Not a nice day
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Did you know

Tonight is the night that Pete and I are going to the Palace Theatre in Manchester to see the Circus of Horrors so I should have a few tales to tell tomorrow. You don't need to worry I am not taking my camera so I won't be forcing gruesome pictures on you. I'm a bit unsure about it all now and will probably end up sitting with my eyes shut for most of it and Pete is planning to take his shades with him. The bit I will have my eyes wide open for is the naked male dwarf with a Hoover - I'll leave the rest up to you imagination but it should be interesting to say the least.
Before we go there I have one of those wonderful days where you have to wait in for a delivery. Our new front door should be arriving this afternoon ready to be fitted, by a friend, tomorrow. I have been told that I should give the driver a tip so mine is going to be "put your indicator on at the bottom of the road".
Has anyone got any ideas as to why my spellchecker on blogger has stopped working?
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Please sir can I have some more?

Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Pigeon Pie anyone?
Today's sin on HS:MS is gluttony and there is a distinct lack of that going on here at the moment so no gratuitous chocolate shots here I am afraid. It started with one reasonably sized pigeon, who realised he was onto a good thing, who in turn decided to share his good fortune with his friends so now there are 3 humungous pigeons who visit us every day, at least twice, to dine on my veg patch. Between them they have decimated 8 sprouts, 10 cauliflower, 13 swede and are now turning their attention to my cabbages.

Monday, 4 February 2008
Seven Deadly Sins

Sunday, 3 February 2008
Uh Oh!

Saturday, 2 February 2008
Play Time

Friday, 1 February 2008