Tuesday, 4 September 2007

HS:MS - Thoughtful

Absorbed in or involving thought.

Now the kids are back at school I will have to remember to look at the prompts before they leave the house. I really could have done with one of them this morning to use as a model but no the house is empty. Not really sure that reptiles think so a houseful of them doesn't help and there is NO WAY I am going to do a self portrait if I don't have to! Which left me with what I was being thoughtful over today. The first one is of what I can see while I sit here pondering what on earth I can take a photo of today.

The second one is of Kyle ready for his first day of High School which should make him think and has definitely made me think - where have the last 11 years gone? The silly red joker smile round his face is where he thought, unbeknown to me, that it would be clever to have red milk not realising that the food colouring would stain his face. I was so tempted to not tell him and let him go to school with it still there but being the responsible parent I am it got scrubbed off. The face pulling is due to me taking pictures and is actually the most sensible one that I managed to get.



Anonymous said...

Must be a boy thing that they HAVE to get the red around their face. My boys have it off to perfection.

Eleanor said...

Hey, before you know it, you'll be using that photo of Lyle on a slide show of his 18 years. Truly, it goes so fast, mind you, I don't think they ever stop doing the silly things, not even when they're middle aged.

Angela said...

Kids! Don't you just love em!

Love this photo, its just SO cute. First day of high school pics are always so amazing to look back on, to see how they changed over time.

Eleanor is right, I don't think they ever properly 'grow up' my two are still silly, especially when it comes to having their photo taken together and they are 17 and 18!

Hazel said...

Kids!! Great photos.

etteY said...

boys and the silly things they do will always come around, but its fun, don't you think?... no dull moments in your house, eh! :D


Unknown said...

It's nice to know that I'm not the only mother who has boys with colored rims around their mouths. Well, not at this very moment, but I've been there many times. Has to be something in their DNA, that's all I can think of. LOL

Bobs said...

That pic of the joker smile really made me smile too!! :)

Unknown said...

LOL I dont know about just boys having these marks around their faces, several times Ive not realised Ive got a milk moustache at work. Oh, is that just me? oops.
Great pics x

Bobs said...

How did he get on at High School today?

Terrie Farrell said...

Great take on the prompt, i love it and that photo of ds is fantastic.....when we were little we used to make pancakes and put green food colouring in them. X

Sam said...

He looks petrified LOL!!

Great photos ;o)

Vanda said...

ROFL, he looks such fun :O) Great photo with his red mouth xXX

Anne said...

Awww, what a guy!!! Bless him!! And what a great name! He looks like he's secreting a baseball bat behind his back! :o) ((HUGS)) for you - hope 1st day was OK for you too! I love both your pics! The 'thoughtful' one is a brilliant take on the subject!

Anonymous said...

Fab photos Rachel... I just love the expression on your sons' face lol

Joy said...

LOL! Boys are so silly, aren't they?

WendyB said...

Hee hee, Love the shots.

Pam said...

love the shot of your computer. and boys are an animal unto themselves - there's no explaining them