This is how the boys talk - with their walky talkies.

Yesterday was kinda eventful here again. After 8 long weeks I finally got my car back and it looks brand spanking new with it's nice shiny new paint job so I was really pleased. Unfortunately all was not as well as it first looked. Instead of replacing the scratched window in the drivers door they replaced the windscreen, which I'm not complaining about but the side window still needs doing, the drivers door bangs into the back door ever time you shut it, the rear view mirror shakes when you drive, there are dirty, I mean really dirty, hand prints on the inside roof and the drivers electric window doesn't go up on it's own when you press the button like all the others do. You'd think that after 8 weeks they would have got it right by now, wouldn't you? So yesterday I spent a couple of hours on the phone to various people trying to explain what was still wrong and arrange for the work to be done and then I had to arrange for the hire car to be picked up as the damage from the accident is now repaired and then arrange a courtesy car as I won't have a car because of the garages incompetence. Aaaarggghhh all this because of an idiot who got behind the wheel after a drink (or six). I will be so glad when this is all over. On the upside the car has still got it's full tank of petrol that I got just before the crash, it seems to be driving as well as it was before and all the scratches from the kids bikes have now gone!
Pete tried to mend the TV and surprise, surprise couldn't so we were out last night TV hunting. We found the one we wanted so came home and looked it up on the Internet and have found it for exactly £200 less than the one in Curry's and it's delivered for free so I will be ordering that this morning.
That's a good one!
That's a great take on the prompt! Bet they have loads of fun with those walkie talkies!
My two originally had a childrens set but they enjoyed using the walkie talkies so much that we upgraded them to a decent pair :)
Great take on the prompt.
The car saga must be so frustrating . . . been there so can empathise.
Love it......clever take on today's prompt! M x
Oh Blimey, you've just reminded me of a pic I took last week!!! Could've used that!! This is a fantastic shot Rachel!
lovely photo! a pleasure as always! i was just looking through your other photos, which are wonderful! And congrats on reaching 100 posts! that's quite an accomplishment!
i have a question for you about your blog layout. if you notice mine, it is not stretched to the full screen, like yours. how did you get yours to do that? any help is much appreciated.
Thank you!
Walkie Talkies - perfect. And I like your shot of them. Catching up - the feast one is enough to give me the creeps (why we didn't have reptiles as pets), and I always like shots from behind of people holding hands. Good job - even if you did have to bribe Kyle
great shot!
Great photo. sorry to hear about the car saga, must have been an awful experience. X
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