Thursday, 27 September 2007

HS:MS - Stamp

To make an impression.
A small token that ensures carriage of mail.
To make a noise with ones foot.

This is stamp in my space today. It's a bit hectic round here at the moment so I am just doing the prompts as and when I get the time.



Charli said...

Love your stamp pic Rach! I had to look at it for a while there in order for my teeny brain to process exactly which way up it was lol - great perspective on this shot!

And thanks so much for adding me to your photo buddies list! Im off to add you to mine now!

Joy said...

Love the perspective of your stamp shot! Nicely done!

Bobs said...

That's a brill stamp shot! Love it!

etteY said...

took me a moment to fully understand ur photo! LOL :p
great angle!

Sue said...

Twisted head left and right then got it. Your stamps are clipped with other bits and I presume on a notice board.

Ditto :)

Great shot and very cleverly photographed!


Jolanda said...

Great angle!

Unknown said...

Great depth of field (ooh looky at me going all technical) Hope things calm down for you soon so you can feed my blog reading urge :o) x