Wednesday, 19 September 2007

HS:MS - Quirky

Something characterised by the peculiar or unexpected.

I have a multitude of quirkiness in my house so I had lots to choose from today. I ended up choosing the scary mask that lives in my living room next to my quirky furry see through curtains (the circles are furry). We used to have great fun with this mask when the kids were younger. On Halloween we used to take turns putting it on with a black cloak and waiting for the doorbell to ring. We lost count at the amount of kids who almost plopped their pants on our doorstep! We got our kids screaming in fright a few times too - like I said great fun!!


Bobs said...

FABULOUS mask!!!! I'm not surprised the wee kiddies were scared! lolol

Maaike said...

whooooo scarry!!

Hazel said...

Gosh that's scary - I'd run a mile if I saw someone in that! Great quirky photo!

Lima said...

PMSL at your antics!!

Great mask - love it!!

Unknown said...

LOL sounds like a great game to play! me likey your quirky x

Vanda said...

Wow Rachel, I knew you'd have something realy quirky ~ lol! I love it, it's so scary :O) xXx

etteY said...

YaY!!! It sure looks SCARY!!

Anonymous said...

Think I would plop MY pants too if someone appeared in front of me wearing

Jolanda said...

Great mask, but scary!

Charli said...

Wow, now that is quirky - love it!! Couldnt have it in our house though, Shaun Jr would be scared out of his mind!

pokettiger said...

How fun and quirky!