Thursday, 6 September 2007

HS:MS - Feast

A large meal or a plentiful supply.

These bloody things are a real sore point in this house at the moment. You see a couple of days ago I went and bought a box of silent crickets in good faith - silent my arse! You wouldn't think that such small things were capable of making such a racket at all times of the day and night, don't these things ever sleep? In the picture they are being gut loaded with fish food and fruit and veggies (just out of shot) ready to be feed to the various reptiles of the house today, that'll shut the buggers up. So this is a picture of a feast having it's last feast!

Nothing can dampen my mood today including the TV that has been in pieces on the Living Room floor for the last 2 days and the noisy crickets. Apparently the bloke that gave us the dragon thinks I am good looking, a lot younger than I am and asked Pete how he'd managed to get me. To which Pete very kindly replied "She's a bit fat at the moment" - thanks a lot love!!



Kate said...

cool pic and LOVE that dragon!!!!!

Mary said...

Eewww how can you have those things in your house! Great pic tho' and had to laugh at your DH's comment to the TV man. M x

etteY said...

disgusting crickets! LOL! but you managed to get a good shot of 'em bravo!!

Diana said...

AWWWW i do not like crickets they keep me awake at night! BUT great shot!

Bobs said...

Pete deserves a slap for that comment! lol I can't stand the noise that crickets make -uuurgh! My son used to have lizards and he once made me collect the little buggers from the petshop. They were in a kind of egg box and I was terrified they'd escape and be jumping all over the inside of my car!! Yikes!

Great shot though.

Sorry - I've hijacked your comment box. Oooops.

Hazel said...

Your post today made me laugh! (I need a laugh today)

Katy said...

Oh god I've gone all funny, your blog needed a squeemish warning today!!! :)

Sarah said...

No, definitely couldn't have them in my house! Great photo though.

Deanne said...

eek that picture made me feel all creepy lol, the dragon is beautiful. And as for men and comments, they like doing that dont they, someone picks you up, they just put you right back down again - lol
Bless you, you are not alone. x

Jolanda said...

Great picture!

Sam said...

Eeeewwwwww cringe!!! Great shot but *yuk*!!!

Sue said...

OMG !!!! But so very clever too :) Oooo.....shivering here.

LOL Pete . . . Men!

pokettiger said...

Amazing photo! I have to admit I am very irritated with your husband. What a rude comment. Why would anyone say something like that? The proper response was to acknowledge his wife is a hottie. You shared back in June before and after photos of yourself. You have lost a lot of weight already and look fantastic. You should be so proud of yourself.

Terrie Farrell said...

Hope DH will be rubbing his shins after you kick him! Love that pic, very clever...a feast for a feast LOL!