THIS IS...............
......the face of the teenager from HELL!! My nice, sweet, innocent son is rapidly turning into a moody, dirty, unreasonable being from some other dimension. We are definitely into the teenage faze with a vengeance and then some. Matt is a law unto himself at the moment. Bath and Shower are swear words and are usually answered with a sullen " I had one last week"! Which might explain why he found a live cricket living in his armpit yesterday - he screamed like a baby girl!!! In complete contrast his unwashed hair has to be combed forward to perfection even though he has refused a hair cut for nearly 3 months now. He gets everything out but refuses to put it away, he is always right and if I ask he won't - whatever it is! I am getting used to the words "No", "Why", "Whatever", "Don't want to", and "Uug" and the blank look followed by silence when he is asked a question. I swear he is turning into a monosyllabic caveman. We do still have moments of normal Mattie behaviour when he never shuts up but they are becoming fewer and fewer. The only teenage thing he doesn't do is to stay in bed forever, which is lucky really as he has to get up at silly o'clock every day to do his paper round.Never mind one just started and one to go!! Boy am I glad I only had 2 kids and don't ever have to deal with a pre-menstrual teenager mind you Matt does do a good impression sometimes....Rachx
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