Tuesday, 10 April 2007


We actually got a full nights sleep on Saturday so tiring the baby out actually worked - I think it was the evening dog walk that finally did it!! It was great fun but it was even better when we got to hand him back on Sunday afternoon I am so glad we never had any more.Today we took the kids and dogs for a walk locally to a beautiful spot where you rarely see another soul. Pete and I walked in the woods while the boys stream walked in their wellies. By the time we got back to the car I think there was more water in their wellies than in the stream! Tomorrow sees the start of my diet proper - I have even been and bought a new pedometer today as I lost my old one on a dog walk. I am aiming to walk 12,000 steps a day which will include my half hour run and the dog walk so hopefully I shouldn't find it a problem. I have to loose 25lbs to be back at my ideal weight and I have 15 weeks to do it in before the dreaded bikini so it should be pretty easy if I can get going. I'll let you know how I am getting on.
Just thought I would share the snowy view from my Aunts study window in Ontario, Canada - a bit of a contrast to the weather here on Sunday morning! The hope over there is that it will warm up to 3C today!! Kyle would still rather be over there than here and is now moaning about going over to stay when it is snowing - thanks Carolyn!!! I'm not so sure as I hate being cold.

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