Tuesday, 1 February 2011


So my aim to read more books this year is going well so far.  A couple of days ago I finished reading "Room" by Emma Donoghue.

Room is written in the voice and perspective of 5 year old Jack which  I found quite grating to start with and I wasn't convinced I could read a whole book written in this style.  However, I persevered and it didn't take long before I was hooked, so much so that I sat in a cold bath for 2 hours as I just couldn't put it down.

The beginning of the book is played out in a 11ft x 11ft room occupied solely by Jack and his Ma.  It quickly becomes apparent that Ma was abducted and that "Room" is her prison, where her abductor "Old Nick" is the only visitor and the reason for Jacks existence.   Ma has created a world for Jack within the four walls and Jack is content in this world, he even has friends in the shape of meltedy spoon, rug, bed and wardrobe and has been lead to believe that nothing else exists beyond this.
The second half of the book moves to the "Outside" and explores Jacks reactions to the new experiences, relationships and situations that he finds himself in.  I'm not going to be any more specific  as to the story line as I do not want to spoil the book for anyone who hasn't read it.

The circumstances in which Ma finds herself are undoubtedly horrifying and yet I found myself feeling uplifted and in awe of this amazing young woman and her resourcefulness, her survival instinct and her ability to protect her son.

This is undoubtedly a  haunting story which is both thought provoking and heart wrenching.  Even when I have put the book down for the last time it stays with me and made me see things in a different light for a while.  Highly recommended.

1 comment:

Teena in Toronto said...

I tried to read this but couldn't get into it.

Happy blogoversary :)