Wednesday, 21 April 2010


This was my eldest son last Thursday just after school


This was him an hour later after a visit to the barbers and a very drastic (H)aircut. 

it was such a relief to see it get chopped off, I just have to hope that he decides to keep a decent style for a while.

The last couple of days I have been playing with my blog, not sure why as I am not very good at the actual blogging bit!  It's been time consuming but fun so not a waste of time.  Hopefully it may have given me the incentive to post a little more often.


Anonymous said...

LOVE the haircut!!! He looks SO much older!!
Handsome young man you've got there. :)

hello gorgeous said...

OMG! And there reveals such a handsome lad! ;o)


hello gorgeous xxx

Darcy Marshall said...

wow I love the new hair, really suits him, you can see he's a really good looking boy now!