Wednesday, 15 April 2009


Just a quick one from me today as I have loads to do and I am in work at 2pm so I can only hang around here long enough to do today's prompt at HSMSHS.

To divide, wound or detach with an edged instrument.

Taken on the canal last week. We had to go through a lot of cuts like this one. We spent a night in a cut under a haunted bridge we never have found out why a screaming monkey would haunt a canal bridge in the Midlands???


Unknown said...

Ahh, a very clever one for cut x

Chris T said...

Very clever indeed! How do you post from flickr? When I've done it I've clicked on the blog link & it then posts a thumbnail. I usually use picasa which is simple but sometimes I need to use flickr & it's irritating me a bit!!!

Bobs said...

Lovely shot, Rach! I'm assuming they're called 'cuts' because they are cut into the hills?

Mrsjobee said...

Lovely photo.

Igotmebabe said...

I hope you ducked :) Brilliant shot

Aubrey Harns said...

Beautiful shot - love that you included the front part of the boat.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful and serene!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Great photo.

Mima said...

That's a pretty narrow bridge as well - not surprised the dogs were making it off!