Tuesday, 21 April 2009


Last weekend we moved the doggy area to the back of the garden and as soon as we put the picket fence up Bilbo the border collie decided that he could jump it. For 5 years that dog has stayed put behind the exact same fence but now he decides he can get over it! Resulting in me spending the weekend painting lots of trellis so that it could be used to put him off jumping the fence anymore. A very tedious job but very handy for today's prompt of "paint" over at HSMSHS

The dogs are allowed in the rest of the garden when we are out there with them but left on their own they find their own amusement in the form of digging up my plants and swimming in the pond with the tadpoles and newts. This is the number one culprit don't be fooled by those sweet eyes he is trouble on legs and stupid with it.

Two plants that benefit with the dogs not digging are my 'tatoes which are growing very nicely and have loved all the sunshine

and my beautiful budding blueberries.


Bobs said...

I would indeed be fooled by those gorgeous eyes! :)

Great shot for the word today. Timely too.

My tatties only went in yesterday, so I'll have a wee while till mine are that size. I love your blueberry shot. It's beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Love the paint! And yes, those gorgeous eyes would fool me, too!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

He's so cute surely he's not that bad?!! Well done on painting that fence. :)

Mima said...

Great shot of Twig, and nice to see the paint job!! So glad that the garden is more under control now & I think you will really appreciate having the dogs down there through the summer!

Chris T said...

Great shots,the blueberry flower is lovely! I know all about those sort of eyes & the love of any sort of water & disrespecting plants.