Today is SPS on HSMSHS which means Self Portrait Saturday so I thought I would tie this in with the next day of our holiday as there are plenty of Self Portraits or somebody else's portraits to choose from.
Feb 14th 2009
This day was to be a quiet day as Robert had to go into work. Saturdays in Oman are like Mondays in the Western world. So we spent the day shopping and then looking out on this view from the beach at PDO for a couple of hours.
It was then time for us to go and get ready for our first ever hash. Pete's parents have been hashing for donkey's years and were not going to miss out on one because we were there so we were taken along too. A hash is a fitness / drinking / socialising event. Basically we turned up in the middle of nowhere to follow a trail of flour. As soon as we got there the boys ran up the first hill they could find, I don't think they realised that they were going to be doing that for the next 90 minutes.
I looked on nervously wondering how on earth Pete was going to manage to do this and then carry on with the holiday. We all had to sign in for safety reasons - basically they would know what name to call when we got hopelessly lost in the wilds. Health and safety is not top of the agenda in Oman.
Then we were all off, about 40 of us in total. See the man in the yellow stumbling well that's what I thought you had to do so of course I followed suit and ended up on my bum on top of a thorny dessert plant.
So for the next 30 minutes I was picking spikes out of my arse. In fact I looked last night (not a pretty sight) and the marks are still there 3 weeks later!!!
After we got back to the cars, knackered, hot, thirsty, dusty and in my case sore it was time for the circle. Well it was when everyone else got back I am pleased to say we did not shame our selves as Matt and Kyle were first back to the camp with Pete and I not far behind. Everyone then had to stand in a circle while announcements were made which highly amused the boys as everyone has a hashing name. My inlaws are known as "Techinical Fornicator" and "Easy Wider" also there were "Dr Death", "Testicle Chicken Legs", "Where the **** are we" as you can imagine this is an adult hashing group, we had been warned and decided that the boys heard worse language at school so didn't have a problem with it. It was then our turn to stand at the front and be handed a drink each. Matt was nominated the spokesperson so he said a few words on our behalf and told the group we were staying with "them 2 over there" after the laughter had subsided everyone started singing and we had to down our drinks in one and put the cups on our heads. We all got a T-shirt with the date and event on it and I got a single red rose along with all the other lady hashers. We left in the dark very tired but looking forward to our next hash in a weeks time.
Since our return we have found a local hashing group which isn't just for adults and we are hopefully going to go and try it out tomorrow.
Seems like you had a great time. Nice shots too.
Yeah, more story!! Sorry about your bum. :'(
Great pics!
Great shots and love the way you write about your holiday :) Hashing sounds energetic but fun.
Never heard of "hashing" before is it always up hills?? More great shots!
Still can't get over how worried you look in that photo before the hash started, and glad that Pete managed it, I'm sure that your in-laws were so happy to have him to show off to all their friends!
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