I did mean to blog yesterday, I had even got most of the post written but then we went to play Badminton instead. I spent most of the time in my coat moaning about how cold it was so the decision was made not to go again now until the weather warms up a little as the sports hall was large and unheated. By the time we got home all I wanted to do was a have a drink and snuggle up in front of Big Brother for a mind numbing hour.
So now I am playing catch up with HSMSHS again.
I'm now sitting here getting rather stressed out as I am going to see the Doc in an hour and my White Coat Syndrome is starting to raise its ugly head. It is the first time in years and years that I have been to see one about myself so I am not a happy bunny. There is nothing wrong with me it's just a precautionary thing because as of about 4 weeks ago both of my parents now have late onset diabetes. My Mum was told that it would be advisable for me to go and see a Doc straight away as I have a very high risk of getting it myself. My hands are starting to sweat already and I have a feeling that my teeth will be chattering like mad in the waiting room and my blood pressure will be through the roof.
Lovely shots Rachel! Good luck with the Dr.'s- I know all about white coat syndrome. No matter how hard I try to be relaxed & think of other things my blood pressure is always higher when I go for a check up. I try & relax but sub consciously my brain plays tricks.....
Look forward to seeing Matts photos soon - great idea!
Firstly hope that the Dr's visit went well . . . I don't have a fear of men in white coats . . . unless they are coming to take me away!!! ;-D OK. Bad joke. But I tried ;-)
I do have a shocking fear of heights though and so can appreciate a little of what you are saying here. Hopefully, it went well.
Great playing card photo . . . and super interpretation of heart. Love this shot of Matt too, I recall you posting it before . . . and it is brilliant.
Hoping to catch up with HSMSHS . . . photos may not get post up until tomorrow BUT I am aiming to get back in it :-)
Bye for now . . . Sue
wow, love your sphere shot!!!
good luck with the doc:)
Hi Rach
Hope thing went well at the dr's! I'm on 24 points but will cut it down to 22 for this week. Just watched the Claire Sweeny programme from last night which was shocking! Did you see it? Was on the same time as BB.
Love your photos today! Very inspiring :O) xox
Hope the doctor's visit went smoothly!!!!
Both shots are great.
Oh no.... hugs hun ... already seen on FB it didn't go as well as you hoped xxx
Love the photos xxx
Really love that shot of Matt, and how exciting that he is going to learn some photography. Is he going to work from a book to learn about how they work? If he has an eye that is anything like yours, he will be fantastic, and should really enjoy this project.
I'm afraid I don't have much useful advice about the doctors, I am ok with them, but really hate the dentist, that is the one that always has me in a panic state. I do the breathing thing and the toes tingling and it does help!
Amazing sphere shot, love it :)
Hope everything went ok at the docs
love the ball shot , great idea for Dof E my son did his bronze and loved the achievement,
dr's waiting room scray place never know what you'll catch lol
knowing if you need to take action now is a good thing you are doing the right thing going,
Ack ackety ack. Was going to say all sorts of nonchalant encouraging stupid things, but then I read Jen's comment and am beginning to worry.
Waiting for news from you chickie, have never believed all that no news is good news crap.
Wonderful shots! I think that's one of my favourite hearts, and the sphere is one of those really perfect shots.
I hope the Dr's visit went just fine. I have the opposite problem--I or my brood can be walking death but if I finally drag us to the Dr we are suddenly cured. I feel like the mom who cried wolf sometimes.
Fab sphere shot Rach! Hope the docs went Ok
OOoh I love badminton! Never have anyone to play with though, what with being Billy no mates an all.
Was sorry to see on FB that the doctors dont know their arses from their elbows and that you have to go back, thats just poo.xx
hi hun!!! Quorn was fab and you couldn't really tell it wasn't real meat!!! we made it as u can have it "free" on slimming world!!! mmmmmmm
great photos and just noticed our begginning pics are almost identical, great minds eh!!! LOL
good luck with the diet!!
Just seen your facebook status - sorry to here the docs didn't go as well as u hoped, had a tutor who when he was younger had to have a physical at work and he kept getting white coat syndrome so one day his bossed called him to his office where the company doctor was waiting and they did his BP there and it was normal but every time he's been to docs as an appointment its was off the scale!!! defo ask for a 2nd chance and maybe ask to see practice nurse they are normally nicer that Docs!!! No offence to any docs out there!!!
Geat shpere shot, I love it.
I have terrible shakes about docs,nurses and hospitals in general too, and even though I have spent the past 3.5 years at hospital every month, sometimes every day..it hasn't got any easier for me. So i do empathise and hope it went ok.
I have just had a mega HSMSHS catch up too.
Hope the Drs went OK. Not sure if you want me to blather on about Gluten free on here, there's a link to an e-mail address for me on my profile. Basically avoid bread and pastry products they are not worth the money. The Tesco FreeFrom range in the purple packaging is quite good and easy to find. If you want specifics drop me an e-mail.....Kate
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