Friday, 31 October 2008

Halloween Clouds

Yet again I have resorted to an old photo for the days prompt. When I first saw what the word was in my side bar I had the brilliant idea of getting my book out to take a picture. Then I visited HSMSHS and saw that Suzy had, had the same idea but I can tell you that my book is no where near as mucky as hers (mores the pity).

In recognition of Halloween I decided to share this picture with you. It is my most favouritist picture that I took when Sue, Mima, Sheena and I went to Trearddur a couple of weeks ago. This is exactly how it looked, I haven't edited it at all I love the way that it seems to be curling its way out of the chimney.

Noises have just started to filter down from upstairs , so another school holiday begins. More baking may be in order today along with a little shopping, some bedroom sorting, revision doing, dog walking, dog washing, photo editing, coursework doing and Mima visiting. Happy Halloween everyone.

Edited to add a couple of pictures of the nearly finished Living Room. I have to get more nick nacks and pictures to hang in the room. The one picture that is in the room was my "O" level piece that I did when I was 15 it hangs behind Pete's seat as he hates it but it matches the room perfectly so it is staying in there.


Diana said...

Love your Trearddur shot!

Hazel said...

Love the passage shot.

The Cook said...

I really like your artwork and agree it should stay, Rach. Sounds like you have a very busy Halloween planned - have a great day! x

Bobs said...

That cloud almost looks like a genie coming out of the chimney! Cool!

I love your art work. How could he NOT like it???

Have a Happy Hallowe'en!


Chris T said...

Great shots today. love the genie cloud & your new furniture looks great - agree with the others about the art work too :)

Igotmebabe said...

Great passage shot, love the Trearddur shot and liking the look of your new room, nice colour scheme.

Jenn Alvarez said...

Wow! I love the first two shots and that red pillow on your couch!

Sarah said...

Great passage :) And the cloud - surely that's Casper?!

Mima said...

It's the Pepperpot's ghost - it is such a great shot, and absolutely spot on for today. I can't believe how comfy that sofa looks - wonderful.

Would love to see a better photo of your artwork though, from how you describe it, it sounds great, and its easy to see that colours wise it is really spot on for the new room, I think that Pete is just going to have to learn how to love it!!

lucy said...

I love the shots. the Trearddur shot is so scarry! Very ghosty for halloween!

Anonymous said...

Great passage and love the halloween ghost!

Unknown said...

Fantastic shots, GORGEOUS room Rach and Ive got an award for you on my bloggie :o)