I was in for a 10 hour shift yesterday and got next weeks hours while I was there and I am pleased as punch with both of my shifts - yes I only have 20 hours over 2 shifts, perfect! So Tuesday I am in 7am - 5pm and Thursday 10am - 8pm, Mima you can take your pick of the other afternoons.
Pete started his new tablets yesterday which I am not too happy about but what can you do. A friend, with Crones, came into work yesterday and told me to make sure that Pete gets his Liver checked regularly as the same tablets shot his liver recently. The hospital had warned us about this and he has got to have bloods taken every week at the moment, I still can't help feeling uneasy about it but I suppose that is too be expected when it was tablets that gave him kidney failure.
The Winter room is not progressing very quickly at the moment, maybe because I am blogging instead of getting my arse into gear. The room was my craft room / office but seeing as I haven't the time to do much craftyness anymore I have decided to down scale and go digi as I can't justify a whole downstairs room being taken up with crap that I only use for about 5 minutes a week. I have managed to get most of it stashed away upstairs in drawers where it is easily accessible so I can still have a go when the mood takes. I think Pete is planning for us to move the desk top, printers and scanner into the playroom tonight ready for me to start pulling up the floor when I get back from work tomorrow. He's very optimistic my husband.
I'm off now to do the HS:MS prompt and dream about what I am going to do next week with all my free hours I could bake, make cards, garden .......
More likely it will be cleaning, decorating, washing, ironing tidying etc
my sps was taken in Edinburgh Scotlan - the queens park!
where is your photo blog????
Hope Pete is feelin better soon Rach, good look with your new room..sounds very swish..of course you will have to stop blogging to get it finished..lol...hope you are keeping ok.xx
How does Friday suit - that would be the best by me if that is ok with you! I totally have my fingers crossed for Pete, really glad to hear that they are checking him every week.
So pleased for you that Will has got your shifts sorted out - finally! It will make so much difference for you with your week and getting stuff done. Can't believe that the newbe gave up after one day - where is their staying power?
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