Saturday, 13 September 2008

My little man...

... turns 15 today. Hopefully there will be some photo ops through out and I can share them with you later on tonight!


Mima said...

I hope that you have all had a wonderful day although I can't remember for the life of me what you were doing. My memory is just useless now - I really have to write things down other wise they are gone!! Its a bit like getting old, I remember the stuff from the past, but as for what happened yesterday ......!

Jenga said...

Happy Birthday Duuuuuuuuude!!!

:D :D

Sue said...

OMG . . . I get this . . . I know how you feel . . . mine is 16 at the begining of Dec . . . already he is quite the young man:-)

Waiting for the photos . . . impatiently :-D


Sue said...

HSMS MEET UP - Aiming for Sunday November 2nd at the Trafford Centre, probably between 11 and 12, we can firm this up nearer the time :-)

If you can come OR if you would like to come BUT can't make that date, please email me at
