I have just been toooooo busy to blog over the last week or so, busy working, busy having fun, busy having arguments, busy learning and busy organising.
The fun involved going to Formby last Sunday where we spent the day in the dunes sun worshipping, paddling and indulging in a spot of dune jumping. We went for a lovely walk through the red squirrels woods but they were all feeling under the weather with squirrel pox so we didn't see any of the little guys. The plan was to do a spot of geocaching while we were there but it just didn't happen as we were enjoying ourselves too much and there were too many people around.

The learning part of the week was my first college assignment and the next few lessons being completed ready for me to start on the next assignment tomorrow.
As for the arguments they have been plentiful this week with me and Peter (a rather dim gas man not my better half). Bless his cotton socks he spent the best part of a day last week digging up the pavement in front of our house looking for my gas pipe. When I got home he came and told me that I didn't have a gas supply to my house, errrmmm how does the gas hob work then Peter ???? To cut a very long story short he left after telling me he would be coming round to dig up all my drive on Friday as they had to give me a whole new supply before they could replace the mains. He left, I ran to the shed, got the spade and dug a hole about 10" square in the spot that I had told nice but dim Peter my pipe was and straight away hit the non existent gas pipe. Peter returned the next day and did finally admit I had one and it was yellow and it was plastic which meant it didn't need replacing. He even filled in the hole that I had dug before he set too digging up more of the pavement in front of my drive, meaning that for the last week our cars have been sat out on the road. Last night after the mains had been replaced I phoned to ask when the said holes would be filled so that I could get back on my drive and was promised last night - it didn't happen! When I got home from work this afternoon it still hadn't happened so I asked a nice man on the front could he let me back on my drive he agreed and then drove away never to be seen again. Another irate phone call to May Gurney (a company not a lady with an unfortunate name) and nice but dim Peter was at my door again having covered half of one hole with a board. "Look it's no good it's wobbling too much I can't leave it there" at this point I was very restrained and ladylike in my reply (if you believe that you believe anything I think it started along the lines of "I don't give a shit I just want my car on the drive") and now my cars are living back on the drive way and tomorrow Peter is coming back again to repave the footpath and all will be well in the world.
The organising bit of my busyness this week is trying to get a plumber to come and see my boiler which he did tonight. He walked in the kitchen and his first words were "My god that is old" 33 years old actually give or take a few months so we are now looking forward to our gas bills being slashed by about 50% this winter - not many people can say that now can they!! I'll just be happy if it stops the nice gas people making my direct debit payment go higher and higher.
And finally my picture for todays word "Leaf" over at HS:MS