Monday, 11 August 2008

On the move....

AGAIN! We got back from the cottage yesterday after a wonderful week up there. We got to go up to Sudbury to the FANTASTIC science place on Saturday which meant that there was next to nothing between us and the North Pole except maybe a few polar bears. I have loads of photos to share but I have not had time to put them on the computer, so sorry Suzy you will have to wait. I have managed to do 2 though just to keep her happy.

This first one is the view we woke up to all last week - yes we could see this from our bedroom window! The land in the distance is Killbear Provincial Park.

As there are lots of leaves on the this picture I am using it as my HS:MS shot for today. I have played along over the last 2 weeks but have not been able to upload them - I will so a huge catch up when we get home at the weekend.

Happy Hour on the lake. It's a strong cosmopolitan in the glass and the reason for the face is that I am not as comfortable as the boys swimming with turtles especially when some of them are rather large (huge) snapping ones! I did relax eventually though.

In a couple of minutes we are jumping into the car - again and heading round to Niagara Falls which is about a 2 hour drive from my Aunts house. We will be riding the maid herself this afternoon before staying in a rather swanky hotel tonight and then tomorrow we will be partaking in a little bit of speed boating and white water rafting - should be fun.


hannah said...

WOW stunning shots, have fun and dont fall in!

Chris T said...

Wow what a view. Sounds as though you are having a fantastic holiday

Photographing Mom said...


Mima said...

Oh Rach, it looks lovely, just so beautiful, and I am really glad that you are having such a fantastic time - I love the idea of happy hour on the lake too (even if there were turtles all around!).

Have fun in Niagra Falls, the white water rafting should be incredible!

Unknown said...

Ah see I knew you could do it :o)

Cant wait to see the rest though!

Sue said...

Hells Bells!!!!!!!

I was pleased to see you relaxing and floating, I was begining to think you never stayed still!!!!

You seem to be having the most wonderful holiday . . . fabulous :-) Looking forward to hearing all about it.

Bye for now . . . Sue :-)

Zoe said...

Wow what a view! Sounds like you're having a blast - can't wait to see more.


Louise said...

what a fantastic holiday, I bet you can't wait to get back to the rain it's c**p here!!!

Igotmebabe said...

Lovely shots, it has been great following your holiday adventures

Sue said...

Thinking you must be home shortly. Your blog indicates a wonderful holiday :-) I et you are absolutely worn out . . . ah well just the washing to do now!!!

Rest and be kind to yourself. Try to enjoy the post holiday relaxed feeling :-)

See ya soon . . . Love Peace Joy & Happiness . . . Sue