Tuesday, 19 August 2008

V is for Butterfly

I obviously didn't take this picture today what with it being dank, grey, wet, nasty and totally pants outside. It was in fact taken at Science North up in Sudbury, Canada in a nice little butterfly house.
I'm off to get something done now before I sit down with Matthew to do his Art Project ready for him to take in for the start of his GCSE's in a couple of weeks. It's amazing how this project means I have to go shopping today for chalks (mine aren't the right type), card (I don't have the right colour) and netting and that is just to start with.


Louise said...

You can have a 'nice' trip to Hobbycraft then, they're sure to have all the right stuff!

I absolutely love todays shot. The angle and DOF is great. That is a photo I'd never get as I have a fear of caterpillars and butterflys (irrational I know!)

Eleanor said...

Fanfluttertastic shot.
Or the Range, we like all these kinds of shops. :D

Brendan said...

Beautiful 'V' Rach, well done!!

Igotmebabe said...

Love your "V"
Hope your art supply shopping doesn't cost you too much

The Cook said...

I think not having the 'right' stuff is a great excuse to go and buy loads of things for yourself too! Beautiful butterfly shot. x

Photographing Mom said...


sam said...

love the shot so well captured,

NW Nature Nut said...

Nice photo :)

Sue said...

Why didn't I comment on this? I saw it . . . I thought I did . . . am I losing my mind . . . quite possibly!

So how are you doing? Hope all is settling back down now.

And this is a super shot . . . in fact lets be honest, it's bloody fabulous :-) Great take :-)
