Thursday, 20 December 2007


I just knew that this picture I took the other day when we were snuggled up round our coal fire was going to be useful one day. Today is that day as the HS:MS word is glow.

I would have been earlier but I had to do an impromptu school run as my wonderful eldest son lost his bus ticket in his pocket!!! Apparently the fairies must have put it there in the middle of the night as that's not where he left it. Our fairies are a busy bunch but not very helpful they are terrible for hiding things, breaking things and they even pee on the toilet floor. Where as my boys are little angels and wouldn't dream of doing anything remotely like that. That's one of the downfall of having 2 boys - you don't know who has the rubbish aim and peed on the floor unless you become the toilet police and inspect after every event.

Had to share this with you as it is so true. My Mum sent it to me the other day.


sharon said...

oohh let me warm my hands, lovely warm glowy pic.x

Mima said...

Loved the man flu - I suppose that it is one of the lucky things about not having my own tame ape, not something that I have to go through!

The fire pic is lovely too, great flame.

Louise Galt said...

thats a great phot, make me feel all warm and toasty

Bambi said...

great glow!

Aubrey Harns said...

Beautiful shot - so nice and toasty!

pokettiger said...

Wonderful glow photo. Also love your glass photo from earlier. Your latest SPS is so cute!

Hazel said...

What a super glow!

Sue said...

OMG LOL Sooooo funny . . . sooo true :-) Thank you for making me laugh!

We have fairies in our house too . . . they use the last of the toilet roll . . . drop things on the floor . . . make it hard for my kids to get out of bed in the morning . . . must be related to yours :-)

Not been around for a few days so just scrolling down to catch up :-)

Great glow . . . really cosy :-)


Jolanda said...

It feels warm and cozy!

Unknown said...

Does look nice and snuggly. Hope all are well in the T household now? :o) x

SmileyCarrie said...

Beautiful glow pic!