These little beauties are living in a pot outside my back door. I've been waiting for them to flower all summer but they are just in full bloom now. For some reason I seem to be going on a garden theme this week, just hope the weather holds out.
Pete did the normal bloke thing and flicked through the channels last night as he said the TV had had an update. He found a new channel that has amused him no end it's called "Dave"! How on earth can you name a TV channel Dave? Imagine it "Can you turn Dave on please".
I'm wearing my boots again today for the first time since the jelly fiasco! I have managed to salvage them by bunging them in the washing machine. I really didn't think that it would work but thought I may as well try it as they were heading for the bin anyway. At least I have saved some money much to Pete's relief as I did have my eye on a nice pair of Timberlands.
such a super shot, could have come straight out of a RH book..xx
I know I might be boring but that new channel has taken over the history channel in the evenings grrrr!
Beautiful photo! Glad the boots cleaned up (although it would have been a good excuse for a new pair). Lol! at Dave!
See this is why you need to take photos everyday because you're so damn good at it! Gorgeous!
Stunning photo Rach. I tried with some geraniums but mine lacked depth. Yours most certainly has lots of it.
Lol Dave. And I put my sandals in the washing machine in a net bag!! Like you say they were heading for the bin so what's to lose?
Bye for now . . . Sue
Cool shot!
pretty flowers, and lovely shade os orange.
I love that mum song too... how true it is
WOW such a lovely shot think I may have a flower for tomorrow.
ooooh how pretty!!!
Beautiful photograph... think I need to start thinking flowers too... getting jealous of all these wonderful shots :D
gorgeous shot Rach! I'm loving the garden shots too LOL! glad the boots cleaned up! :D
gorgeous photos. X
Gorgeous flowers! Beautiful shot.
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