Choose your favourite window in your house. Show the whole window, the curtains and window decoration.

It only took me an hour to get this shot and then after all that it turned out pants. It's Matt's bedroom window so I had to open the blinds, open the curtains, make the bed, clean the windows, clean the windowsill, find the desk (under all the crap) and then clean it and then I spent ages trying to get the Plasticine out of the carpet. He fancies himself as a movie maker at the moment so we have Plasticine figures everywhere while he makes the movie which usually involves blood and guts - well what else can you expect from a goth! I love the way his room is full of black, red and skulls but he still won't get rid of his teddy bear which lives on his bed - ahhhh bless. At least the room will stay tidy for a few hours as the boys are back at school today - yay, yay and double yay!!
Don't be fooled by the "tidy" room, I have just moved everything into a pile at the bottom of the bed just out of shot. I don't ever tidy the boys rooms I only ever dump all the things that aren't where they should be on the bed and then clean. That way if they want to sleep they have to do something about the mess - it's worked so far!

Matt's mess - not bad for a 14 year old boy!

Kyle's mess mountain!!