His: Maybe later
Hers: Reluctantly!


I am looking forward to a nice and peaceful week this week as my youngest has gone on a residential trip with school so my house will be a sibling rivalry free zone! Of course I will worry about him and think about him all the time but I won't have to listen to the bickering. Lol I gave Matt a lift into school today so that he didn't have to share the bus with "The Bully". Hopefully it will all be sorted out by the end of the day. Matt has been a lot happier over the weekend which we are all really pleased about. I'll update later if their is any more news.
Wow! That's service for you - the school has just phoned me to ask how Matthew has been over the weekend and to tell me which days the bully is in school so that I can give Matt a lift on those days. Luckily it is only today, Wednesday and Thursday and then he has finished for good. I am totally amazed, and thrilled with the way they are handling this.
Thank you for all our lovely comments and in answer to some of your questions I joined weight watchers to loose my weight. There was no way I was going to stand on some scales and be embarrassed in front of loads of people so I joined over the Internet and did it that way. I lost nearly 5 stone altogether and went from a size 20/22 to a size 10. I have since put on about a stone (in nearly 3 years so not too bad) and need to try and loose that to get into my bikini! I didn't use any of the ready meals I went to the library and got the weight watchers cook books out and used them. In the whole time I was dieting I only had 2 meals different to the rest of my family as I knew it wouldn't work otherwise. I used Curly Wurlys as my treat you can make them last! For lunch I usually eat loads of spicy roast veg or stir fried veg as these are no pointers which means I can still have a packet of Potato Heads (1.5 points) when I want . I think I must know the points value in most foods now!! Oh and lots of walking - I have only recently started running in the last few months. I never went to the gym the whole time I was dieting as I knew I would need the money for new clothes!
Lovely photo.
Great diet! May have to ask you for details!! (blushes!)
love LOVE your photo, you look like you are having fun! and wow at your diet, well done!
Great picture!!!!!!! You look stunning good, great job on the diet!! So pleased to hear the school is handling this so well!!
Rachael what a great photo - you look fabulous! Well done on losing your weight, I bet you're really pleased.
Glad to hear Matthew is OK and the school sound like they have been marvellous :o)
Wow, you have done amazingly on the diet! You look fab! Great photo.
Good news about Matthew and that he's enjoying life again.
Blimey..you look fantastic..you have lost a load of weight, don't think you need to worry about losing any more..you look great as you are.x
Beautiful photo. Congrats on the weight loss. Hope you are proud of yourself for all the effort and hard work.
Fab picture, you look great. Congratulations on the weight loss! May I ask which diet you have followed?
Love your photo!
And wow!! Look at you now - well done on your diet!
Wow you look fab! And I love your fabby top.
Me too, I want that top, lol. Great pose, love your look.
Fantastic photo! You look great!
It's wonderful when the school gets on top of any bullying and deals with it straightaway.
WOW! WTG on the diet! You look awesome!
wow! Congrats to the result of your diet!! I like your shot from today very much, nice to meet you! :o)
you look fantastic!!! well done to you! :)
i'd be very concerned if there was a family resemblance with the flour baby....i dont claim to be an oil painting but if i look like a bag o' flour i'd stick my head in the oven!! LOL xx
Hi, and it's nice to see you.
Great picture with the self timer. Nice to see you!
Lovely fun photo... you look great :) Well done on your weight loss you have done fantastically :)
You look fantastic! You have done well to getting healthy. What was your motivation and discipline?
Wow - love your photos, so totally inspiring!! Well done, you look absolutely fabulous! Sorry to hear your son has been having toruble at school but glad it's being handled well :( xx
Great photo and so lovely to see you :O) Flippin heck, you've done a marvellous job with your diet. You look stunning girl!! xXx
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