Incy Wincy Spider..
I hope you have all had a good long weekend like we have. As you might have guessed we have been to see Spiderman 3 today which was not too bad for the third one. The story was a bit weak but the effects were good - the boys enjoyed it which is the main thing.We have done some more gardening and are now the proud growers of some rhubarb and 2 beautiful apple trees which were a birthday present from my Dad - thanks Dad! I also discovered a family of mice living in the compost heap when I churned it up. Pete decided to lay some traps with chocolate in them so we now have 2 dead mice in the bin. I did get a humane trap and a third mouse was released into the wild this morning this is now the only trap allowed in the garden.Pete can be forgiven for murdering the cute, furry mice though as he bought me a Sony MP3 player for my birthday with a digital radio on it for when I do my running each day. It's great and was the first surprise he has got me for years so he is in my good books at the moment it even makes the running a little more fun!
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