I thought I might have got bored of the AtoZ by now but to my utter amazement I'm not. In fact I am thoroughly enjoying looking for B's and Pete and the boys seem to be getting more and more into it too. They have even suggested some things for B today - Burger King, Bon Bons and some ideas for other letters too - Frankie and Benny's, Macdonald's, Chiquito's ......
As it was not snowing or raining today we decided to visit Brereton Heath country park which is relatively close to my Dad's house.

Before we went into the park I decided we would go and find a geocache that was very close by and began with B. On the way we spotted this sign on a barn wall can't you see how the boys love me taking their picture.

A bit further down the path we found "Brereton Scout Group - Green Lane" hiding next to a telegraph pole covered with very prickly brambles. Despite the facial expressions they did actually enjoy themselves. Not sure I am very happy though I look like a midget next to my boys now. :o(

After a very muddy walk around the mere at Brereton we drove to my Dad's where we spent a very pleasant couple of hours before coming home via Byley.

Last night we watched Bruno which Matt's friend had left at our house by accident last week. I think I watched most of it thorough my cardigan it was so cringy. I honestly don't know how he gets away with it without someone beating him to a pulp. Got to admit that I did find some of it funny though.