Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Look at me!

Posting 2 days on the trot there must be something wrong. It might have something to do with it being too hot to do anything else - time will tell.

I have managed to get outside with the camera in the last couple of days and play around with some macro shots. Including this little "beauty" for todays's prompt at HSMSHS a Wild Orchid that we spotted whilst walking the dogs.

I'm off now to go and do some more pratting about with photos.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Back for Good ????

I have been meaning to get back into blogging for a while now but never seemed to get around to it. Yesterday I started a new Flickr account and deleted my old one which meant that all my pictures on here have now disappeared so that means I have to come back here and sort it all out. While I am doing that I may as well blog too!

Today's word over at HSMSHS is Forbid and I couldn't resist sharing this picture that we took in Oman in Febuary - it made us laugh. Click the picture to see it larger.